Cyber Security

Cyberspace is full of opportunities, but it is also full of risk. Your underlying infrastructure can be vulnerable to a wide range of risk stemming from both physical and cyberthreats and hazards. Information systems increasingly face the prospect of theft or damage to hardware, software, and to the information on them, not to mention disruption or misdirection of services.

NETZONE provides specialists who know how to create processes and procedures to ensure network and data security and safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of your data. We are experienced in implementingboth federal and commercial network policies. Our specialties include:

Creative Solutions provides a wide range of Web Services offerings such as
  • Penetration Testing – NETZONE can evaluate the security of your IT infrastructure to find and exploit any vulnerabilities such as service and application flaws, improper configurations, or risky end-user behavior.
  • Vulnerability Management – Even if your system passes testing, it requires continuous assessment and remediation to keep it secure. NETZONE understands and can deliver on the processes that are critical to vulnerability management – Discovery, Reporting, Prioritization and Response.
  • Security Awareness and Training - NETZONE can help you create a culture of awareness to keep your workplace security-conscious. That means employees will understand that data is a valuable asset; that policies and procedures for working with information technology are ingrained in the workforce; that employees know who to contact should they discover a security threat.
  • Information Assurance and Security – NETZONE knows how to protect your digital and non-digital information assets, including hard-copy records. We offer you tools to give you confidence that your information systems will perform as needed, when needed, and only for authorized users. We include the protection of digital and non-digital information assets, such as hard copy records.
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation – NETZONE can show you how to both measure and monitor your organization’s strategic, financial, operational, compliance, and knowledge management risks. We’ll help design a mitigation strategy that includes incident response policies and procedures and contingency plans for all levels.